How a Designer Can Help Define Your Style | KP Designs Group

How a Designer Can Help Define Your Style

May 30, 2024

Defining your interior design style is more than just selecting furniture and decor; it’s about crafting a space that resonates with your personality, enhances your lifestyle, and feels authentically yours. Understanding your style preferences provides a roadmap for making cohesive design decisions, streamlining the decorating process, and ultimately curating spaces that enrich your daily life.

Collaboration and Communication Is Key

Every style has multiple variations and we are all unique in our personalities and take on design. There are so many different aesthetics and trends that it can complicate the process of defining your own design identity and can often lead to mislabeling your style or becoming overwhelmed by the options. This can be especially difficult when your family members have seemingly opposing styles. You may love light and neutral spaces while your spouse would prefer pops of color and medium to dark tones. It can be daunting and even frustrating to fuse your aesthetics together into one style. Beth shares that “Communication is critical when working to blend two different styles together. It is important that all parties feel heard and understood in order to cohesively blend styles to create a space that is unique and reflects each of them.” Interior Designers have extensive experience uncovering their clients’ likes and dislikes and assisting them in crafting a style that authentically embodies the essence of home for the entire family. A review from one of our clients on Houzz states, “My husband and I have different tastes, but [Erica] has managed to intertwine us perfectly and turned our boring house into a home we both love.”

Beth designed this primary bathroom for her clients. The husband favors modern drama while his wife loves the classic/traditional style. Beth beautifully blended their two styles into one with a classic drama space they both could feel at home in. View the full project here.

Beth M.Smith Bathroom after1

Our research begins with getting to know you before we even start choosing pieces because your space should feel special and unique to you. Intentional collaboration with our clients is our priority in the design process. Beth says, “Together we work to uncover what our clients love and then design a space that gives them that look. Defining your style up front is important because this is the focus for all the searches. Without a defined style, one can become overwhelmed with the options and end up with a very disconnected look and a house that doesn’t feel like home in the end.” Dana adds, “I really enjoy listening to my clients and solving the puzzle. It is wonderful delivering a space that reflects what they love the most and adding some elements they had never imagined before.”

How We Help Our Clients Solidify Their Style

One of the best ways to determine your style is probably something you’re already doing – analyzing photos and determining your likes and dislikes. But do you ever come across an aesthetic that you absolutely love, and it doesn’t quite seem like it could feel like home for you? Our designers gather insight through sharing and discussing different designs with our clients as well as discovering what home means and feels like to you. Through discussing pictures, Dana expresses that she notices “similar colors, patterns, and lines that will point to their design style. They are often surprised to hear my assessment.” Beth adds, “Looking through examples of spaces/rooms that speak to my clients aid in uncovering their style and these visual examples help to be sure everyone is speaking the same language. I spend time learning and observing how they live in their home. I try to uncover their pain points in their home and work to create a design to solve those issues. Not only do we want the space to be beautiful but we also need it to function and flow for their entire family.”

Not being able to solidify your style may lead to doubt and hesitation to start a new project. You shouldn’t have to settle for a style that you’re only 80% sure about. Dana says, “Interior designers have so much experience and knowledge, they can give clients who are afraid to make changes the confidence to begin a long desired remodel.” Designers also have built expertise in discerning trends and their longevity, distinguishing between passing fads and enduring classics. We prioritize ensuring that your home remains beloved and relevant for generations to come, instilling confidence that it will stand the test of time.

Contact us to get started on your project.

Picture of Rachel Wolfe

Rachel Wolfe

After earning her Bachelor's in Industrial and Innovative Design at Cedarville University, Rachel joined the KP Designs Group team to pursue her passion for interior design and solving problems. Her ever-evolving responsibilities include 3D rendering, graphic design, and now writing our KP Blog in collaboration with our entire design team!

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